Nonprofit for Healthy Sustainable Living

- Giving back through self-empowerment- and Healthy life-changing experiences.
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Our amazing team of volunteers - includes Youth Buddy-Up - students helping and sharing skills with peers in need. Community Service builds self-empowerment, connection with environment, and sustainability. Get in touch for more information!
During these chaotic times - violence in and out of the classroom is critical. Suicide rates of youth 12-18 has escalated 25%.
Our Peace Smarts Curriculum and Bully Solution programs provide self-empowerment and a safety-net for students, parents, teachers. Commonsense, tried and true guidelines create a peaceful collaborative, mindful environment. self-empowerment
As a nonprofit , we strive to educate youth/family with practical life coping skills. Creative, quantum learning tools instill self-esteem and support students unique talents. Using data driven models we provide solutions to create life-long learners and positive citizenry.
Learn more about our upcoming events, fundraisers, and more!
"Your work is vital... Our kids need it! " Dustin Hoffman
Friend, Your support is our nonprofit backbone - helping to us meet our goals and improve the Lives of at-risk children. Your generous donation- will fund our mission.
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Create a Peace Culture for Grades 5-12
"Ground-Breaker 4 Teens, Parents, Teachers, Youth
"Peace Smarts" Curriculum. 7- Step Process- Critical Thinking - Problem solving for personal issues & subjects across curriculum. Created with Chicago Police Veterans, education specialists - to end violence in schools.
Peace-Maker's Roadmap 4 Teens, youth, parents, teachers, counselors - Co-operative learning. Leadership. Peer Counseling. Buddy-up system. Unity in Community Service. Anger & stress management, self-empowerment Mindfulness (across curriculum)
100 Practical Tools for classroom, teachers & parents. Teen issues - peer pressure, social diversity, inclusion, communication skills, conflict resolution, stop cyber-bullying, Sexual harassment.
Join 2+million Peace Smart Participants
Thrive as Peace Makers. GIFT a classroom, teacher, counselor, or student..
Check out this great video